Today I am reminded of a wonderful friend. True bosom friends are one of the few jewels we seem give ourselves in life. They sparkle and have deep rich and vibrant colors that remain with you forever. Jim was such a friend.
It was the summer of 2010 and I was having an end of summer party at the house. Jim showed up as a friend of a friend. Jim was new in town, and soon he became the life of the party (in a good way) He was gregarious and before I knew it he had become the unofficial host of the party, helping everyone feel welcome. He had a southern accent, and was a true gentleman.
It was the summer of 2010 and I was having an end of summer party at the house. Jim showed up as a friend of a friend. Jim was new in town, and soon he became the life of the party (in a good way) He was gregarious and before I knew it he had become the unofficial host of the party, helping everyone feel welcome. He had a southern accent, and was a true gentleman.
When the party ended and everyone left, Jim stayed around and surprisingly helped pick up all the beer cans and trash that was left in the house and out in the yard. He was fun to have around, and we just seemed to click. I somehow felt that Jim was going to become a lifelong friend. Isn't it weird how you just know that when you meet someone?
After the house and yard were cleaned up, I sort of expected that Jim would be going home, and that's when things got a bit weird. Before I knew it Jim was reorganizing my closet, and refolding my underwear. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable, and managed to get him out the door. I liked Jim, but after the party I really was ready to relax and be by myself for the evening.
A few day passed, and I had not heard from Jim, so I started to inquire. No one seemed to know where he was........Days passed into weeks and I had no idea what had happened to him, until I received a phone call one late afternoon. Jim had passed away from a heart attack. He was only in his late 20's. I was surprised at how saddened I was, after all I only knew him for a few hours. Since then I have often marveled at how someone can come into your life and seemingly in an instant they become a friends.....then with others you can know them a lifetime, and they only ever become acquaintances.
It''s been 5 years and I still think of Jim often. I only wish I had not been so uptight and so eager to get him out the door that evening. RIP Jim....I miss you.